Captive Management Solutions,Inc

Why Us

Why Work with Captive Management Solutions, Inc?

Managing your Captive Insurance Needs with Captive Management Solutions,Inc

Our alternative risk expertise enables us to deliver optimized solutions for complex and non-traditional risks.  If your clients are exploring a captive structure as part of their risk management or wealth building strategy, CMS can guide you on all aspects of development

CMS Solutions

Captive Management Solutions, Inc structures captive and rent-a-captive programs, onshore or offshore, helping clients optimize their return on both underwriting profit and investment income. As an independent provider, Captive Management Solutions, Inc insurance will objectively determine the most appropriate domicile and reinsurance structure based on the captive’s lines of business, risk profile and location preferences. In addition to utilizing many traditional domiciles (e.g., Bermuda, Cayman, Alabama, Oklahoma, Vermont),  also allows access to a proprietary offshore segregated portfolio company (SPC) facility providing unique tax advantages.

Captive Management Solutions, Inc objectively customizes each program component to deliver optimal efficiency and results.

Captives offer numerous advantages that can translate to better or cheaper coverage. Considering the benefits? Here’s how to start a captive.

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